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This interactive map displays the Center for Global Sustainability’s dataset of 140 industrial parks in Indonesia. The menu in the upper-left corner provides the opportunity to toggle between different layers of information. In order to view more data on a specific industrial park, click on an individual circle. For most layers, a pop-up with additional information will appear under the layer menu.

In order to access all fields of information, the industrial parks dataset can be downloaded as a CSV via the “Download Dataset” tab. More information on the Center for Global Sustainability can be found on our website

Data collection by the Center for Global Sustainability began in October 2022; the last major update to the dataset occurred in March 2024. The dataset will be updated and expanded in future releases. If you would like to inform us of a correction or additional information, please use the Contact form.

Suggested citation:

Molly Schreier, Jiehong Lou, Aboli Dahiwadkar, Audrey Rader, and Claire Squire. Industrial Parks Dashboard. Center for Global Sustainability: College Park, MD. https://cgsindustrialparks.org/

Website created by Rishabh Sinha

Basemap: Imagery Hybrid. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=28f49811a6974659988fd279de5ce39f