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Our data collection effort began in October 2022. We first compiled a list of industrial parks and basic information from the Indonesian Ministry of Industry’s list of kawasan industri and the EU-Indonesia Business Network Industrial Estate Directory. Overtime, we added industrial parks that we learned of through other sources, such as the Batam 2022 Industrial Estate Book or news articles. For each industrial park included in our dataset, at least one source classified the location as an industrial park, industrial estate, kawasan industri, or related status, such as a KEK. Our dataset is not a comprehensive list of all industrial parks in Indonesia; we limited our initial dataset to 140 industrial parks to focus on data collection across all of our fields of interest. In the future, we hope to expand the dataset to include additional industrial parks currently excluded from our dataset.

After we compiled our initial list of industrial parks and basic information on each park, we focused on adding more detailed information and sources for specific groups of fields, including operational status, main industry, disputes, and electricity source and capacity. Some of these focus areas, such as electricity source and dispute type, contain non mutually exclusive categorical data. These field groups have been represented as a series of dummy columns (1 for occurrence, 0 for non occurrence) with associated notes columns to present details and sources for our findings. To document our sources, we have quoted relevant paragraphs from sources in notes columns, with the links for all sources located in the “Sources” column.

The table below provides a description of the data collection process for each group of fields. Additional information regarding the meaning of different field values (“Status” and “Disputes” values) is included in the Results section.

Field or Field Group Field Names and Values Methodology
Basic Information Industrial Park Name, Manager, Size (ha)
  • We primarily collected data on industrial park name, manager, location, and size from the Indonesian Ministry of Industry’s Kawasan Industri list and the EU-Indonesia Business Network’s Industrial Estates directory.
  • Information was supplemented with other publications, such as the Batam 2022 Industrial Estate Book, and news articles.
  • Manager is the company or entity responsible for operations of the industrial park.
  • For size (ha), if sources reported conflicting information, or the industrial park was not included in the Ministry of Industry’s list, we included the most commonly reported size.
Location Location, Regency, Province, Region, Latitude, Longitude, Location Notes We gathered location information from the Ministry of Industry, EU-Indonesia Business Network, Batam Industrial Estate Book, company websites and materials, and news articles. We verified locations using Google Maps and use Google Maps’ address formatting, minus the Geocode. Latitude and longitude coordinates are also reported from Google Maps. For industrial parks where we could not verify the exact location, further information on the approximate location reported is provided in “Location Notes”. Region, compiled based on province, follows Indonesia’s geographical unit divisions (ISO - Wikipedia).
Electricity Electricity Provider, Boolean Columns:
  • PLN
  • Captive Coal Power Plant
  • Captive Gas Power Plant
  • Bioenergy
  • Solar
  • Hydropower
  • Electricity Provider Unclear
Electricity Capacity Notes, Electricity Capacity (MW), GEM
The electricity data used is sourced from industrial park websites and publications, the Batam Industrial Estates book, news articles, and Global Energy Monitor’s Global Coal Plant and Global Oil and Gas Plant datasets and wiki. We include excerpts from reports and news articles used to establish an industrial park’s electricity sources or capacity in the Electricity Capacity Notes column. Electricity capacity is reported in megawatts (MW). For sources that report electricity capacity in other units, a capacity factor of 1 is assumed for conversions to MW. If sources cite different electricity capacities for one industrial park, we conservatively use the lowest, most commonly reported electricity capacity. Many industrial parks only have data on electricity providers, not electricity capacity, especially for industrial parks that source from PLN.
Tenants List of tenant companies located at an industrial park. Data is not all-encompassing and requires further verification. We collected data from industrial park websites, websites that list companies at industrial parks, the Batam Industrial Estate Book, and Google Maps.
Sources List of references used to collect data for all columns of an industrial park. If a link no longer works, it is marked as “Broken” (text from a broken site has still been documented in a long-text column).
Foreign Company Involvement Boolean Columns:
  • Foreign Founder or Manager
  • Foreign Tenants
  • China as Founder or Manager
  • China as Tenant
Foreign Company Involvement Notes
“Foreign Founder or Manager” lists the nationality of foreign companies that are one of the primary founders, owners, or managers of the industrial park; in some cases, the company is an Indonesian subsidiary of a larger company headquartered in another country. “Foreign Tenants” lists the nationalities of foreign companies that are tenants at the industrial park. We only assessed tenant company nationality for large tenant companies or industrial parks with few tenants. For industrial parks with many tenants, this column is likely missing data. Details regarding the specific foreign companies involved in the industrial park are located in the “Foreign Company Involvement Notes” column.
Status Status, Status Values: Before Construction, Under Construction, Operational, Operational with Continued Construction, Stalled, Unclear, States Notes We report operational status based on company websites, Google Maps, and news articles. On Google Maps, we checked the industrial park location for the presence of tenant companies and reviews indicating the status of the industrial park. For parks with the status of “Stalled” or “Unclear,” we viewed Sentinel Imagery to scan for evidence of construction or buildings at the site during June - August 2023. The status of “Before Construction” indicates that the industrial park is planned, but construction has not yet started. A status of “Stalled” indicates that an industrial park was planned or at one point under construction, but reportedly failed to progress. A status of “Unclear” means that while the government or other sources claim that an industrial park exists, we could not find evidence to determine the industrial park’s status.
Age Year Operations Began, Year Construction Began, Year Founded, Age Using company materials and news articles, we tracked the year the industrial park’s operations began, construction began, or was founded (the date the industrial park was announced by a company or governmental entity or companies signed an agreement to construct the industrial park). To determine age, we subtracted the oldest reported year from 2024.
Disputes Boolean columns:
  • Legal dispute with Indonesian government
  • Legal dispute with a company
  • Dispute with local residents
  • Land acquisition issues
  • Environmental Impact
Dispute Explanations
We gathered most information on disputes from local news and environmental organizations. The dispute columns present are marked in the dummy columns. Many industrial parks have multiple dispute types present. In the “Dispute Explanations” column, each dispute type present is listed and underlined, with details and corresponding news articles under each dispute type. Some events are counted as multiple dispute types (for example, we categorize local resident protests regarding land acquisition issues as both “Dispute with local residents” and “Land acquisition issues”).
Electric Vehicle (Production Mentioned) If an industrial park’s materials or news articles mention that the industrial park contributes to electric vehicle supply chains or production, the column has the value 1.
Key Commodities Boolean Columns:
  • Nickel
  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Palm Oil
  • Iron and Steel
For each industrial park with a tenant company participating in the production or extraction of a key commodity listed, the corresponding dummy column is marked. Used to track the presence of key industries at an industrial park. For example, if an industrial park’s main industry is “Mixed/General,” but one or more tenants are producing palm oil, the “Palm Oil” column would be marked.
Industry Main Industry, Main Industry Values: Mixed/General, Manufacturing, IT, Nickel, Aluminum, Other Metals, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, Palm Oil, Coal, Unknown, Main Industry Notes Main Industry was determined primarily through an industrial park’s website, company materials, or the tenant companies located at an industrial park. As a measure of intercoder reliability, two researchers independently categorized each industrial park based on previously collected information on the industrial park’s status and tenants. For industrial parks where the categorizations differed, additional information was examined to determine the final categorization. “Main Industry Notes” includes notes of tenant company industries, company materials, or other evidence used to establish an industrial park’s industry categorization.